Section 5 of West Bengal Appropriation Act, 1981

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1) Save as otherwise provided in this Act, the local limits of Jurisdiction jurisdiction of the University. (hereinafter referred to as the territorial limits of the University) shall extend to the whole of West Bengal. (2) Notwithstanding anything in sub-section (1), the powers of the University conferred by or under this Act shall not extend to any college, institution or centre which, for the time being, is included within the local limits of jurisdiction of any other university established by law within West Bengal and already affiliated to it. Tjntiveersity. 345 The Rabindra Bharati Act, 1981. (Chapter IL—The University and its bfficers.—Sections 6-9.) [West Ben. Act (3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), any college, institution or centre situated outside the territorial limits of the University may, with the sanction of the State Government, apply to the University for affiliation in respect of all or any of the subjects referred to in clause (3) of section 4 and the University may, subject to such conditions and restrictions as it may with the approval of the State Government think fit to impose, affiliate to itself such college, institution or centre and admit the same to all the privileges of the University.