Section 6 of Tripura Recording Of Marriage Act, 2003

From Advocatespedia

The State Government may appoint or designate an Officer to be a Marriage Reporter- (I) for each Municipality to be known as Municipal Marriage Reporter: (ii) for each Panchayat to be known as Panchayat Marriage Reporter: (iii) for each Tehsil area in which lay no Municipality or Panchayat. to be known as Tehsil Marnage Reporter (1) (2) Every Marriage Reporter shall be attached to and work under the supervision, direction and control of the Sub-Divisional Marriage Recorder in charge of the respective Sub-Division (3) Every Marriage Reporter shall without fee or reward. receive and collect all information about marriages which take place in the area of his work and send the same to the Sub-Divisional Marriage Recorder to whom he is attached or it there is no Sub-Divisional Marriage Recorder, to the District Marriage Recorder in whose jurisdicition his area is situated The information shall be incorporated and transmitted in such form as may be prescribed (4) The office of the Marriage Reporter in his area shall remain open on such dates and at such hours as the Chief Marnage Recorder may direct and every Marriage Reporter shall display on a Board on or near the outer door of the office of the Marriage Reporter in the local language his main designation and area of function as Marnage Reporter