Section 7 of Andhra Pradesh Tenancy And Agricultural Land Rules, 1950

From Advocatespedia

7. Enquiry and check by the Revenue Inspector: (i) On a day to be fixed in advance, of which previous intimation shall be given to the villages not less than 3 days and not more than 7 days before the day fixed, the Girdawar shall read out and check every entry in the Preliminary Record of Tenancies and the Register of Disputed Cases and certify the accuracy of the said entries in the presence of the villagers assembled in the Chavadi or in any conspicuous place in the village. (ii) If any person who is adversely affected by an entry in the Preliminary Record of Tenancies or the Register of Disputed Cases, is present and consents to such an entry being corrected during such check, the Girdawar shall note the fact in Register of Disputed Cases and make the necessary corrections in the Preliminary Record of Tenancies under his signature and delete the former entry from the Register of Disputed Cases under his signature. (iii) If any person present who is adversely affected, disputes the correctness of an entry, whether he has filed an application regarding the same before the Patwari under Rule 4 or not, the Girdawar shall correct such error if admitted by all parties, under his signature. If the error is not admitted by all parties, he shall enter the dispute with all particulars in the Register of Disputed Cases, if, such an entry has not already been made by the Patwari. (iv) On completion of the check of the Preliminary Record of Tenancies and the Register of Disputed Cases under sub-rules (i), (ii) and the Girdawar shall certify at the foot of the Preliminary Record of Tenancies and the Register of Disputed Cases that the entries have been read out to the assembly of the villagers and that the prescribed action has been taken on the objection and shall sign the same on the spot.