Section 8 of Bombay Government Premises Rules, 1960

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8. Procedure in appeals. - In an appeal under section 7 from an order of the competent authority, the appellate officer shall, as far as may be and with the necessary modifications, follow the practice and procedure prescribed for appeals from original decrees to a District Court by the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. Form 'A' (See rule 3) To Shri/Shrimati/Kumari ......................................... residing at .............................. [in Greater Bombay/Taluka District] [Substituted by G. N. of 25.11.1966.]. Whereas I, the undersigned, am satisfied - (i) [ that you have not paid rents lawfully due from you for more than two months in respect of the premises described in the Schedule appended hereto;] [Any of the alternative which is relevant to be specified.] (ii) [ that you have sub-let, without permission of the Government or of the competent authority, the whole or part of the premises described in the Schedule appended hereto;] [Any of the alternative which is relevant to be specified.] [(ii-a) that you have committed, or are committing, such acts of waste as are likely to diminish materially the value, or impair substantially the utility, of the premises described in the Schedule appended hereto;] [Any of the alternative which is relevant to be specified.] (iii) [] [Any of the alternative which is relevant to be specified.] [that you have] [Specific contravention to be mentioned.] and thereby have acted in contravention of the terms under which you were authorised to occupy the premises described in the Schedule appended hereto; (iv) [ that you are in unauthorised occupation of the premises described in the Schedule appended hereto;] [Any of the alternative which is relevant to be specified.] (v) [ that the premises described in the Schedule appended hereto are required for Government purposes;] [Any of the alternative which is relevant to be specified.] Now, Therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred on me under sub-section (1) of section 4 of the Bombay Government Premises (Eviction) Act, 1955, I order you [(as well as .......................................... who is/are in occupation of the whole/a part of the said premises)] [Omit if not applicable.] to vacate the said premises within one month of the date of the service of this notice. [Schedule [Substituted by G. N. of 25.11.1966.] (Here enter the description of the premises)] Date : Signature of the Competent Authority. Form 'B' (See rule 3) To, Shri/Shrimati/Kumari ............................................. residing at.................... [in Greater Bombay/Taluka ....................... of District] [Substituted by G. N. of 25.11.1996.]. Whereas I, the undersigned, am satisfied - (i) [ that you have not paid rent lawfully due from you for more than two months commencing from .................................... in respect of the premises described in the Schedule appended hereto;] [Any of the alternatives which is relevant to be specified.] (ii) [ that you have sub-let, without the permission of Government or of the competent authority, the whole or part of the premises described in the Schedule appended hereto;] [Any of the alternatives which is relevant to be specified.] [(ii-a) that you have committed, or are committing, such acts of waste as are likely to diminish materially the value, or impair substantially the utility, of the premises described in the Schedule appended hereto;] [Any of the alternatives which is relevant to be specified.] (iii) [] [Any of the alternatives which is relevant to be specified.] [that you have] [Specific contravention to be mentioned.] and thereby have acted in contravention of the terms under which you were authorised to occupy the premises described in the Schedule appended hereto; (iv) [ that you are in unauthorised occupation of the premises described in the Schedule appended hereto;] [Any of the alternatives which is relevant to be specified.] (v) [ that the premises described in the Schedule appended hereto are required for Government purposes;] [Any of the alternatives which is relevant to be specified.] And Whereas, in exercise of the powers conferred on me under sub-section (2) of section 4 of the Bombay Government Premises (Eviction) Act, 1955, I propose to order you to vacate the said premises within one month from ................. on the grounds aforesaid (hereinafter referred to as the proposed Order); Now, Therefore, as required by the provisions of sub-section (2) of the said section 4, I call upon you to tender an explanation and produce evidence, if any and show cause within ten days from the date of the service of this notice why the proposed order should not be made. [Schedule [Substituted by G. N. of 25.11.1966.] (Here enter the description of the premises)] Date : Signature of the Competent Authority. Form 'C' (See rule 3) To Shri/Shrimati/Kumari ....................................... residing at................................... [in Greater Bombay/Taluka .......................... of District] [Substituted by G. N. of 25.11.1966.]. Whereas you are in occupation of Government premises described in the Schedule hereto appended; And Whereas, a sum of Rs.................................. being the arrears of rent from ........... day of.............. 19......................... in respect of the said premises is due and payable by you to the State Government; Now, Therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred on me under sub-section (1) of section 5 of the Bombay Government Premises (Eviction) Act, 1955, I hereby order you to pay the said sum within [.........................] [Period not to be less than ten days.] from the date of service of this notice, failing which the said sum will be recovered as arrears of land revenue. [Schedule [Substituted by G. N. of 25.11.1966.] (Here enter the description of the premises)] Date : Signature of the Competent Authority. Form 'D' (See rule 3) To, Shri/Shrimati/Kumariresiding at...................[in Greater Bombay/Taluka....................... of District] [Substituted by G. N. of 25.11.1966.], Whereas you are in unauthorised occupation of the Government premises described in the Schedule appended hereto; And Whereas in exercise of the powers conferred upon me by sub-section (2) of section 5 of the Bombay Government Premises (Eviction) Act, 1955, I have assessed Rs.......................... as damages payable by you on account of the use and occupation of the said premises. I hereby order you to pay the said amount of damages within [..............] [Period not to be less than ten days.] days from the date of the service of the notice. If the said amount is not paid within the period specified above it will be recovered as arrears of land revenue. [Schedule [Substituted by G. N. of 25.11.1966.] (Here enter the description of the premises)] Date : Signature of the Competent Authority. Form 'E' (See rule 7) This Agreement made at ............... the ............. day of ....................................... 19 ..........., between the Governor of [Maharashtra] [Substituted by G. N. of 25.11.1966.] exercising the executive power of the Government of the State of [Maharashtra] [Substituted by G. N. of 25.11.1966.] (hereinafter referred to as "the Government") of the one part and Shri/Shrimati/Kumari ..................... (hereinafter referred to "the Allottee") of the other part: Whereas the Allottee who is an employee of a Local Authority constituted under the Act (hereinafter called "the Local Authority") is a monthly tenant of the Government premises particulars whereof are set out in Part I of the Schedule hereto (hereinafter referred to as the "said Government premises") allotted to him by the Government: And Whereas an amount of Rs is due by the Allottee to the Government in respect of the said Government premises according to the particulars, set out in Part II of the said Schedule; And Whereas the Allottee has offered to execute an agreement in favour of the Government as provided in sub-section (2) of section 6 of the Bombay Government Premises (Eviction) Act, 1955 (hereinafter called the said Act) in the manner hereinafter contained; Now, Therefore, the Allottee hereby agrees with the Government of [Maharashtra] [Substituted by G. N. of 25.11.1966.] that the said Local Authority by or under whom the Allottee is employed shall be competent to deduct from time to time the salary of wages payable to the Allottee by the said Local Authority such sum not exceeding Rs..................... per month and to pay the amount so deducted to the Competent Authority appointed under the said Act in satisfaction of the said amount of Rs. ........................... now due or any other amount that may become due hereinafter by the Allottee to the Government in respect of the said Government premises. In witness whereof the Allottee has set his/her hand hereto the day and year first above written.