Section 8 of Gujarat Panchayat Services Rules, 1964

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(1) Save as provided in sub-rule (3) no panchayat servant shall,

except with the previous sanction of the panchayat, give evidence
in connection with any enquiry conducted by any person,
committee or authority,
(2) Where any sanction has been accorded under sub-rule (1) no
panchayat servant giving such evidence shall criticise the policy or
any action of the Government or of any other Government in India
or of a panchayat in the State of Gujarat.
(3) Nothing in this rule shall apply to

(a) evidence given at an enquiry before an authority appointed by

the Government, by Parliament or by a State Legislature or by a

panchayat, or,

(b) evidence given in any judicial inquiry or,
(c) evidence given at and department enquiry ordered by the
Government or by an authority sub-ordinate to the Government or
by a panchayat or, as the case may be, by a competent authority in
a panchayat