Tripura Recording Of Marriage Act, 2003

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Section 1

(1) This Act may be called the Recording of Marriage Act, 2003. (2) It extends to the whole of Tripura. (3) It shall come into force on such date as the State Govt, may by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint

Section 2

In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires- (a) "to contract a marriage" . with its grammatical variation and cognate expressions, means to solemnize or enter into a marriage in any recognized form or manner; (b) "marriage" includes are-marriage; (c) "Marriage Recorder" means the Chief Marriage Recorder, District Marriage Recorder and Sub-Divisional Marriage Recorder appointed or designated under sub-section (1) of section - 4 and sub-section (1) of section - 5 ; (d) "Marriage Reporter" means a Marriage reporter appointed or designated under sub-section (1) of section - 6 ; (e) "memorandum" means a memorandum of marriage referred to in section - 7 ; (f) "prescribe" means prescribed by rules made under this Act: (g) "State Government" means the State Government of Tripura.

Section 3

All marriages solemnized on or after the commencement of this Act in the State in any form recognized under the personal law or custom applicable to the parties (husband and wife) or either of them shall be compulsory recorded in accordance with the provisions of this Act.

Section 4

(1) The State Government may. by notification in the Official Gazette appoint a Chief Marriage Recorder for the State or designate an officer of the State Government to hold that office. (2) The State Government may also appoint or designate other officers for the purpose of discharging, under the superintendence, direction and control of the Chief Marriage Recorder. such functions as he may, from time to time authorize them to discharge. (3) The Chief Marriage Recorder shall be the Chief Executive Authority in the State for carrying into execution the provisions of trus Act and the rules or orders made thereunder. He shall be responsible to co-ordinate. unify and supervise the works of recording of the marriages and submit in the month of January every year where the annual report of the preceding year on the working of this Act.

Section 5

(1) The State Government may appoint a person or desrqnate an officer to be the District Marriage Recorder for each revenue District and such number of Sub-Divisional Marriage Recorders for one or more Sub-Divisions who shall, subject to general control and directions of the District Marriage Recorder, discharge such functions under this Act as the District Marriage Recorder may, from time to time, authorise them to discharge or designate such officer of the State Government as it think fit to hold any such office (2) The District marriage Recorder shall superintend subject to the direction of the Chief Marriage Recorder, the recording of marriages in the district and shall be responsible for carrying into execution in the district the provisions of this Act and the orders of the Chief Marriage Recorder issued from time to time for the purpose of this Act. (3) Every Sub-Divisional Marriage Recorder shall without fee or reward. enter into the register maintained forthe purpose all Information given to him under section - 7 or section - 8 and shall also take steps to collect information about every marriage which takes place in his local jurisdiction and record the particulars in the Marriage Register. (4) The office of the Marriage Recorder shall remain open on such dates and at such hours as the Chief Marriage Recorder may direct. The name and designation of the Marriage Recorder along with his local jurisdiction should be displayed on the Board on or near the outer door of his office. The writing on the Board should be in local language.

Section 6

The State Government may appoint or designate an Officer to be a Marriage Reporter- (I) for each Municipality to be known as Municipal Marriage Reporter: (ii) for each Panchayat to be known as Panchayat Marriage Reporter: (iii) for each Tehsil area in which lay no Municipality or Panchayat. to be known as Tehsil Marnage Reporter (1) (2) Every Marriage Reporter shall be attached to and work under the supervision, direction and control of the Sub-Divisional Marriage Recorder in charge of the respective Sub-Division (3) Every Marriage Reporter shall without fee or reward. receive and collect all information about marriages which take place in the area of his work and send the same to the Sub-Divisional Marriage Recorder to whom he is attached or it there is no Sub-Divisional Marriage Recorder, to the District Marriage Recorder in whose jurisdicition his area is situated The information shall be incorporated and transmitted in such form as may be prescribed (4) The office of the Marriage Reporter in his area shall remain open on such dates and at such hours as the Chief Marnage Recorder may direct and every Marriage Reporter shall display on a Board on or near the outer door of the office of the Marriage Reporter in the local language his main designation and area of function as Marnage Reporter

Section 7

(1)All marriages solemnized under this Act shall be recorded in the manner provided hereinafter (2) The male partner to a marriage (if adult) shall and the female partner may within a period of sixty days from the date of his/her marriage- (i) either intimate orally about the marriage to the Sub�Divisional Marriage Recorder Q~ the Marriage Reporter having jurisdiction over the area in which the marriage was contracted or to such person or authority as may be pres~ribed : or (a) (ii) prepare and sign a memorandum in Form A obtain signature/thumb impression of both the spouses (if adult) and signature/ thumb impression two witnesses of the 4 Locality with full address thereon and shall deliver in person or by registered post to the Sub-Divisional Marriage Recorder or Marriage Reporter having JUrisdiction over the area in which the marriage was contracted Provided that where the spouses or any of them were minor his or her parent or guardian with whose consent the marriage was solemnized shall be liable to comply with the provision of this sub-section a